Key Stage Two
Discover schemes of work, lesson plans, classroom worksheets and interactive activities to develop skills in all National Curriculum subjects including Religious Education for Key Stage Two classes
Compose a selection of different types of poems using figurative language and poetry styles to illustrate relationships between friends and family members
Road Safety
Identify, describe and compare some of the different traffic hazards and dangers that can be encountered when making journeys in the local area
Greek Pots
Practise shaping and modelling clay when making replica pots and jugs reflecting and illustrating life in the Ancient Greek civilization in the past
Angle Measurements
Identify, classify and record the value of different types of acute, obtuse and straight line angles using protractors
Changing Times
Practise converting between different units of time for hours, minutes and seconds and change a range of analogue and digital times using the twelve hour clock and calendar dates
School Issues
Explore the narrative structure and characters that feature in a story about school and friendship, add suffixes to word roots and write sentences with more than one clause
Detective Stories
Investigate common narrative features and styles of mystery and thriller writing, learn spelling rules for adding the suffix able and practise using commas to write compound and complex sentences
Shape Angles
Identify, record and classify some of the different types of angles that form the individual properties of a range of 2D shapes
Identify and record how to build a range of electrical series circuits to control and manage devices and components for different functions and outputs
Classic Fiction Extensions
Identify and record how to use relative clauses to extend sentences taken from a range of classic fiction stories by significant authors
Explore some of the different traditions, stories, beliefs and practices that Muslims follow and adopt when practising the Islamic religion
Ancient Greece Daily Life
Investigate the growth and development of Ancient Greece by researching daily life in different city states that formed the civilization in the past
Number Values
Investigate and record the place value of the numerical digits in different numbers to thousands by partitioning, ordering and comparing
Class Newspapers
Identify and illustrate how to structure and format reports using journalistic writing to publish newspapers about things happening in the school
City Signs
Practise and refine skills in formatting and editing text in word processed documents to make different signs suitable for a range of locations in a city
Family Homes
Identify and record how to sequence and compose sets of instructions for families to follow when completing different jobs at home