Discover thousands of primary teaching resources for single and mixed aged classes in Key Stages One and Two and Reception including full schemes of work for Maths and English, sets of lesson plans for all National Curriculum subjects and Religious Education, whole class interactive PowerPoints and teaching resource packs to support and extend classroom teaching.

  • Book Corner

    Book Corner

    Build a book corner in the classroom to support and encourage reading of different fiction genres and non-fiction texts

  • Topic Launches

    Topic Launches

    Select and utilise effective ways of launching a new curriculum topic covering a range of subjects in the classroom

  • Fresh Start

    Fresh Start

    Settle the class into the new school term by reviewing past achievements and setting behaviour and academic targets

  • New Year Targets

    New Year Targets

    Identify different ways of selecting class and individual behaviour and work targets for the remaining two terms of the school year

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  • Angle Measurements

    Angle Measurements

    Identify, classify and record the value of different types of acute, obtuse and straight line angles using protractors

  • Angle Instructions

    Angle Instructions

    Identify and illustrate how to use a protractor correctly to measure the value of different acute angles in degrees

  • Acute Angles

    Acute Angles

    Explain and model how to estimate and measure the value of different acute angles in degree measurements using a protractor

  • Compass Turns

    Compass Turns

    Identify and describe some of the different angles that can be produced when making turns between a range of points on a compass

  • Fraction Divisions

    Fraction Divisions

    Identify, calculate and record how to divide different shapes, quantities and numbers to illustrate the fractions of halves and quarters

  • Number Quarters

    Number Quarters

    Explain and model how to use concrete objects and pictorial diagrams to calculate one quarter of different numbers that are multiples of four

  • Shape Quarters

    Shape Quarters

    Practise identifying and dividing different types of shapes into four equal parts to illustrate the fraction values for quarters

  • Number Halves

    Number Halves

    Explain and model how to use concrete objects and pictorial diagrams to calculate one half of different numbers that are multiples of two and ten

  • One Less

    One Less

    Identify and record counted sets of objects that are one less than different numbers to ten on the theme of farms and farming

  • Farm Jobs

    Farm Jobs

    Identify and record how to use a selection of jobs that can be performed on a farm to identify the number sums that are one less than different numbers to ten

  • Animal Counting

    Animal Counting

    Explain and model how to use a selection of number sentences to identify the sums that are one less than different numbers to ten to show information about animals on a farm

  • Counting Cows

    Counting Cows

    Practise counting and recording the matching sums to ten that one less than different numbers of animals that can found living on a farm