Key Stage Two

Discover schemes of work, lesson plans, classroom worksheets and interactive activities to develop skills in all National Curriculum subjects including Religious Education for Key Stage Two classes

  • Story Enrichment

    Story Enrichment

    Identify and record ways of enriching a narrative story using descriptive vocabulary in expanded noun phrases

  • School News

    School News

    Investigate the structure and format of journalistic writing used in newspaper reports and stories about current events

  • Fraction Sums

    Fraction Sums

    Identify and record how to calculate the non-unit fractions of different numbers by using formal written division and multiplication calculations

  • Electricity


    Devise and construct different electrical circuits that can be used to control electrical devices for a range of specific functions in a family home

  • Light Controls

    Light Controls

    Practise selecting and entering commands to control different procedures and outcomes to match specific functions when using light

  • Family Life

    Family Life

    Identify and record how to use fronted adverbials to indicate where, when or how things happened in sentences about family events and experiences

  • Addition and Subtraction Sums

    Addition and Subtraction Sums

    Practise mental and formal written methods of addition and subtraction calculation working with different numbers in millions and decimals

  • Shopping Trips

    Shopping Trips

    Add, subtract and convert money amounts between pounds and pence using informal written calculations when finding totals and change received on different shopping trips

  • Story Characters

    Story Characters

    Explore how authors describe and use characters in a story with a familiar setting, add the prefixes in and im to roots, match determinants to nouns and use conjunctions to link sentence clauses

  • Science Fiction

    Science Fiction

    Select characters, settings and events to use when writing science fiction stories, identify words that contain the ible suffix and practise using commas and conjunctions to write complex sentences

  • Subtraction Four Digits

    Subtraction Four Digits

    Identify and model how to solve problems involving subtraction of pairs of four digit numbers with exchange between place value

  • Changing Materials

    Changing Materials

    Investigate, test and record how a range of different materials can be changed and altered including the use of dissolving and evaporation

  • Ancient Greek News

    Ancient Greek News

    Investigate how to format and structure reports to publish in newspapers illustrating some of the historical events that happened during the Ancient Greek civilization

  • Number Millions

    Number Millions

    Investigate, order and compare the value of the digits that comprise different sets of numbers with up to seven digits

  • Family Lists

    Family Lists

    Select and record matching lists of different items that might be needed by families for a range of special events and experiences

  • Scarecrows


    Select and combine different materials to design and make scarecrows for a garden to match identified success criteria