New Key Stage Two Teaching Resources

Check out some of the newest schemes of work, lesson plans, classroom essentials and interactive presentations recently added to Clickprimary for Key Stage Two

  • Prefix Word Match

    Prefix Word Match

    Play some word spelling games to identify and match different word roots that can be changed and expanded by the addition of a range of prefixes

  • Mystery News Reports

    Mystery News Reports

    Investigate some of the different ways that news stories about mysteries are reported and presented using journalistic writing

  • News Report Editing

    News Report Editing

    Identify and record some of the different changes and improvements that could be made to a news report about an event happening in the world so that it is ready for publication

  • Sentence Lists

    Sentence Lists

    Practise using colons to introduce a list in example sentences about different events that are currently happening in the news around the world

  • News Sentences

    News Sentences

    Identify and record some of the matching sentences that have been written in a news report that contains facts and opinions about an event happening in the world

  • Fact and Opinion

    Fact and Opinion

    Select and record example sentences to match the content behind different newspaper headlines using statements for fact and opinion

  • Spelling Rules able and ible

    Spelling Rules able and ible

    Practise using spelling rules to add the suffixes able and ible to different word roots to use when composing headlines for newspaper stories

  • Pancake Recipe

    Pancake Recipe

    Compose and follow a set of instructions about how to make some pancakes to celebrate Shrove Tuesday using correct sentence structures and vocabulary

  • Pancake Tasting

    Pancake Tasting

    Test and evaluate a set of recipe instructions about how to make some pancakes with different toppings and fillings to celebrate Shrove Tuesday

  • Pancake Preparations

    Pancake Preparations

    Plan and write a set of instructions about how to make some pancakes with different toppings and fillings using the correct sentences structures and imperative verbs

  • Pancake Ingredients

    Pancake Ingredients

    Identify and record how to write some example sentences about how to make different types of pancakes using the present perfect form of verbs

  • Pancake Actions

    Pancake Actions

    Practise adding the suffix ing to use when describing some of the special actions that might be used when making pancakes to celebrate Shrove Tuesday