New Key Stage Two Teaching Resources

Check out some of the newest schemes of work, lesson plans, classroom essentials and interactive presentations recently added to Clickprimary for Key Stage Two

  • Volume


    Explore and record some of the different ways that can be used to make loud and quiet sounds when playing a range of musical instruments

  • Changing Pitch

    Changing Pitch

    Test and record some of the different ways of changing the pitch of a range of sounds that can be produced when playing musical instruments

  • String Telephone

    String Telephone

    Practise devising and producing a working model to illustrate and record how sound can be created through the vibration of different materials

  • Vibration


    Investigate and demonstrate some of the different ways that all sounds can be created through the vibration of a range of materials

  • Three Digits and Tens

    Three Digits and Tens

    Identify and record how to solve problems involving addition of three digit numbers and tens using a range of mental and informal written calculations

  • Goal Shots

    Goal Shots

    Investigate and record changes to place value when adding three digit numbers and tens to calculate shots on goal during a football game

  • Biscuit Prices

    Biscuit Prices

    Practise using mental and informal written methods to practise adding three digit numbers and tens to calculate the prices of pairs of packets of biscuits

  • Roman Empire

    Roman Empire

    Identify and model how to compose sets of instructions for Romans to follow when expanding their empire and civilization around the world

  • Hadrian’s Wall Instructions

    Hadrian’s Wall Instructions

    Practise composing a set of instructions about how the Romans could build and fortify Hadrian’s Wall to protect them from attack by other tribes and armies in Great Britain

  • Roman Army

    Roman Army

    Read and write a set of instructions about how to prepare the Roman army for battle so that they can conquer different communities and settlements and expand their empire

  • Pancake Recipe

    Pancake Recipe

    Read and write sets of instructions about how to prepare and make pancakes with different toppings and fillings to celebrate Shrove Tuesday

  • French Family Life

    French Family Life

    Learn and practise using correct French vocabulary words and phrases to describe different things connected to family life