New Key Stage Two Teaching Resources

Check out some of the newest schemes of work, lesson plans, classroom essentials and interactive presentations recently added to Clickprimary for Key Stage Two

  • Angle Shapes

    Angle Shapes

    Explain and model how to measure and calculate the range of angles that can be found when dividing a shape in different sections

  • Division Calculations

    Division Calculations

    Practise using the short division method to solve problems when dividing four by one digit numbers including quotients with remainders and the use of rounding to express solutions

  • Division Solutions

    Division Solutions

    Identify and record the correct matching quotients with remainders that can be created when dividing different pairs of four by one digit numbers

  • Division Rounding

    Division Rounding

    Explain and record when and how to use rounding to solve different short division calculations when interpreting the quotients with calculated remainders

  • Division Remainders

    Division Remainders

    Practise using the short division method to model how to complete calculations when dividing different pairs of four digit by single digit numbers with remainders in each identified quotient

  • Division Corrections

    Division Corrections

    Identify and correct different errors in a selection of division calculations when modelling how to divide four by one digit numbers with no remainders

  • Division Instructions

    Division Instructions

    Compose and test a set of instructions that can be followed to complete division calculations to model how to divide four by one digit numbers with no remainders

  • School Poems

    School Poems

    Read and write tongue twisters, humorous poems and word play poetry on the theme of schools

  • Poetry Performance

    Poetry Performance

    Select and perform a poem about some of the special things that could happen in a school using the correct tones, expressions and actions for a performance

  • School Questions

    School Questions

    Select and record a set of questions that could be used when composing a short poem about some of the different things that might happen in a school

  • Poetry Lines

    Poetry Lines

    Select and record vocabulary words that can be used in lines for a poem to describe some of the different objects that are connected to the school

  • Word Determinants List

    Word Determinants List

    Select and use the correct determinants before nouns in alliterative phrases for poems about some of the special things seen and used in a school