Key Stage Two
Discover schemes of work, lesson plans, classroom worksheets and interactive activities to develop skills in all National Curriculum subjects including Religious Education for Key Stage Two classes
Story Changes
Read and adapt a traditional tale changing characters and settings, investigate word families and use inverted commas to punctuate direct speech
Roman Numeral Numbers
Recall and practise using the symbols and shapes that were used by the Romans to represent different sets of numbers
Hundreds, Tens and Ones
Investigate the place value of the numerical digits in numbers with different combinations of hundreds, tens and ones
Environment Debates
Practise composing a selection of discussion texts to debate issues surrounding environmental concerns and protections
Forces and Magnets
Practise conducting a range of fair tests to identify and compare different materials based on magnetism and friction that can occur between surfaces
Practise and develop a range of skills in moving, passing and tackling that can be utilised when playing small sided teams games in rugby
Volcanoes Database
Explore how to use databases to store, organise and interrogate data about different volcanoes that can be found in locations and communities around the world
Letter Frames
Practise using writing frames to structure and format a set of letters for a range of special purposes and functions
Shape Areas
Develop and refine skills in measuring and calculating the areas and perimeters of different geometric shapes including rectilinear and compound shapes
Length and Height
Measure the length and height of different objects in metres, centimetres and millimetres using different measuring tools and equipment
Theseus and the Minotaur
Explore the text features and characteristic structures of myths and legends, match words roots with the verb prefixes dis and mis and practise embedding relative clauses into sentences
Story Reports
Investigate how authors describe and use characters in a fantasy story, use apostrophes to show possession to punctuate descriptive phrases and practise punctuating sentences
Recipe Ingredients
Practise finding the numbers of ingredients needed for different recipes by their expressing their ratios using division and multiplication calculations
Easter Party
Explain and model how to compose sets of instructions for families to follow when preparing foods and decorations to celebrate Easter
Family Problems
Compose and publish a story about how families might experience and fix problems in their homes
Enormous Pancake
Investigate and record how to write a story illustrating conflict and resolution about making an enormous pancake based on the structure and content of a traditional story