Key Stage Two

Discover schemes of work, lesson plans, classroom worksheets and interactive activities to develop skills in all National Curriculum subjects including Religious Education for Key Stage Two classes

  • Bible Stories

    Bible Stories

    Explore how the bible contains stories for Christians to follow to receive guidance about how to lead good lives

  • Light


    Explore and model concepts about how light is produced and how it can travel through different materials

  • Suffix Word Definitions

    Suffix Word Definitions

    Investigate and illustrate the spellings and meanings of word roots that have been changed by the addition of different suffixes

  • Plurals Word Matching

    Plurals Word Matching

    Identify and record how to convert a range of singular nouns into plurals when using a set of matching spelling rules

  • Number Facts

    Number Facts

    Identify facts about the properties of numbers to support multiplication calculations including number facts and using calculations in the times tables

  • Multiplication Steps

    Multiplication Steps

    Identify and use the correct calculation steps needed to solve problems when multiplying numbers using informal and formal layouts to multiply by one and two digit numbers

  • Roman Myths

    Roman Myths

    Investigate the structure and language of narrative stories written as myths, practise adding the suffix ly to word roots and extend sentences using conjunctions to express cause

  • Roman Invasion

    Roman Invasion

    Investigate some of the reasons for the growth of the Roman Empire in the past and why the Romans invaded ancient Britain

  • Money Division

    Money Division

    Model and record how to divide a selection of money amounts by different numbers with quotients using remainders

  • Places Word Ladders

    Places Word Ladders

    Practise making lists of synonyms for different adjectives to use in sentences describing some of the special places that can be found in the world

  • Food Recipes

    Food Recipes

    Compose and present sets of instructions about how to follow recipes to prepare a range of foods for different meals and celebrations

  • Christmas Rules

    Christmas Rules

    Identify and model how to structure and format sets of instructions for families and groups of friends to follow when celebrating Christmas

  • Viking Invasion

    Viking Invasion

    Identify and record reasons as to why and how the Vikings invaded in Britain in the past by using primary and secondary historical sources

  • Decimal Addition

    Decimal Addition

    Practise solving a range of addition problem involving decimals to one, two and three decimal places working with both mental and written calculation strategies

  • Fish Sculpture

    Fish Sculpture

    Select, combine and shape different materials to design and produce layered sculptures representing fish that live in the sea

  • Pancake Instructions

    Pancake Instructions

    Identify and model how to compose sets of instructions for families to follow when preparing pancakes to celebrate Shrove Tuesday