Unit C – Addition and Subtraction Sums

This maths scheme of work for Key Stage Two gets the children to practise mental and formal written methods of addition and subtraction calculation working with numbers in millions and decimals. The class can solve problems to calculate the costs of buying different items and the resulting amounts of change received.

Practise mental and formal written methods of addition and subtraction calculation working with different numbers in millions and decimals

Lesson One : Number Puzzles

Create and solve a range of different number puzzles using addition and subtraction mental calculation techniques and methods

Lesson Two : Addition Solutions

Practise adding different pairs of numbers with place value to millions using standard written methods of addition calculation with exchange between place value

Lesson Three : Shopping Budget

Practise adding different pairs of money amounts to two decimal places using standard written methods of addition calculation with exchange between place value

Lesson Four : Number Differences

Identify and model how to use standard written methods of subtraction to calculate the difference between different pairs of six digit numbers

Lesson Five : Show Tickets

Model and record how to calculate the change that will be received when purchasing tickets for different shows using written subtraction methods

  • Stone Age

    Stone Age

    Investigate and record how different aspects of life in prehistoric Britain developed and changed during the Stone Age

  • Stonehenge


    Investigate and record some of the special reasons as to why people built different monuments during the Stone Age in prehistoric Britain from a range of materials

  • Stone Age Farming

    Stone Age Farming

    Explore and record how and why people in the Stone Age began to harvest crops and started farming animals in their settlements to support their growing communities

  • Stone Age Tools

    Stone Age Tools

    Identify, describe and illustrate how people in the Stone Age in prehistoric Britain produced and used different tools for a range of functions to support their communities