Key Stage Two
Discover schemes of work, lesson plans, classroom worksheets and interactive activities to develop skills in all National Curriculum subjects including Religious Education for Key Stage Two classes
Investigate and present the religious meanings behind some of the different parable stories told by Jesus in the New Testament as part of the Christian Bible
Household Torches
Select and install an electrical system into a product using different materials and components to make a lighting device for families to use at home
Weather Data
Investigate how to use different forms of technological sensors to record, monitor and present weather information and data
Journey Times
Practise solving a range of measurement problems about the duration of journeys using different forms of transport
Royal Biographies
Investigate different non-fiction texts about the lives of royal monarchs from British history by writing an example biography for a Tudor king or queen
Times Tables Groups
Model and illustrate how to use facts in the times tables to multiply different numbers by two and five by counting and grouping matching products
Addition and Subtraction Solutions
Identify and model how to solve contextual problems using formal written calculations for addition and subtraction including exchange between place value
Equivalent Fractions
Identify and record equivalent fractions to match different numbers of fractions using diagrams and number calculations for multiplication and division
Prefix Word Sums
Investigate, match and spell different words that are spelt with a range of prefixes
States of Matter
Explore, test and explain how a range of different materials can change their states between solids, liquids and gases by conducting a series of fair tests
The Maya
Research, describe and present information and facts about the culture, traditions and achievements of the Maya civilization in the past
Fraction Sums
Model and record the steps that can be used to solve problems by adding and subtracting pairs of non-unit and mixed number fractions
School Poems
Read and write tongue twisters, humorous poems and word play poetry on the theme of schools
Mystery News Reports
Investigate some of the different ways that news stories about mysteries are reported and presented using journalistic writing
Family Households
Investigate and respond to settings, characters and plot events in stories about family life and parents
Weather Explanations
Investigate the structure and content of explanations that describe how and why different types of weather can occur in the world