Unit G – Addition and Subtraction Solutions

This maths scheme of work for Key Stage Two gets the children to identify and model how to solve contextual problems using formal written calculations for addition and subtraction including exchange between place value. The class can explain how to use mental methods to complete each step in a written calculation.

Identify and model how to solve contextual problems using formal written calculations for addition and subtraction including exchange between place value

Lesson One : Shopping Receipts

Explain and record how to use a written method to add pairs of three and four digit money amounts with exchange between place value

Lesson Two : Shopping Budgets

Choose and calculate pairs of money amounts that sum to totals to one hundred pounds using formal methods of columnar addition with exchange

Lesson Three : Supermarket Sales

Practise using a written columnar method to subtract pairs of four digit numbers with exchange between place value

Lesson Four : Subtraction Explanations

Identify and describe when to use mental or written techniques to subtract a pair of numbers to solve a problem

Lesson Five : Number Reverses

Practise using inverse operations to check the addition and subtraction sums for different number calculations

  • Classic Fiction Extensions

    Classic Fiction Extensions

    Identify and record how to use relative clauses to extend sentences taken from a range of classic fiction stories by significant authors

  • Black Beauty

    Black Beauty

    Practise selecting and using a range of relative clauses to change different sentences taken from the work of classic fiction Black Beauty by a significant author

  • Alice in Wonderland

    Alice in Wonderland

    Practise selecting and using a range of relative clauses to change different sentences taken from the work of classic fiction Alice in Wonderland by a significant author

  • Five Children and It

    Five Children and It

    Select and model how to add extra information and facts to different sentences from the classic story of the Five Children and It by using relative clauses