Key Stage Two

Discover schemes of work, lesson plans, classroom worksheets and interactive activities to develop skills in all National Curriculum subjects including Religious Education for Key Stage Two classes

  • Alien Worlds

    Alien Worlds

    Identify, describe and compose rhythm patterns and musical compositions to illustrate moods and objects connected to space when visiting other planets

  • Number Thousands

    Number Thousands

    Investigate, compare and record the place value of the numerals in a range of different six digit numbers according to their positions in each number

  • Local Area

    Local Area

    Identify, describe and compare some of the different political and physical features that can be found in the local area around the school neighbourhood

  • Hundreds, Tens and Ones

    Hundreds, Tens and Ones

    Investigate and record the place value of different three digit numbers by partitioning each number into their matching hundreds, tens and ones

  • Story Ingredients

    Story Ingredients

    Explore narrative structures and use of vocabulary by an established children’s writer, identify and spell words with silent letters and convert sentences between the third and first person

  • Story Places

    Story Places

    Respond to stories with familiar settings to investigate story structure and descriptive vocabulary

  • Shape Identification

    Shape Identification

    Identify, describe and classify a range of 2D shapes by their matching properties including parallel lines and lines of symmetry

  • Subtraction Solving

    Subtraction Solving

    Identify and practise using written calculation skills when subtracting pairs of numbers with up to three digits including exchange between place value

  • Digit Value Changes

    Digit Value Changes

    Model and illustrate changes to the place value of the digits in different numbers when multiplying and dividing by ten, one hundred and one thousand

  • Suffix Word Boards

    Suffix Word Boards

    Model and record how to add suffixes to different word roots and illustrate changes to their spellings and meanings

  • Zoo Visitors

    Zoo Visitors

    Read and write different instructions that can be used to support visitors to a zoo

  • Animal Facts

    Animal Facts

    Explore and record the structure of alphabetically ordered texts using encyclopaedia entries about different animals

  • Calculating Angles

    Calculating Angles

    Record measurements and complete calculations to identify the value and type of angles found on a range of different 2D shapes

  • Division Calculations

    Division Calculations

    Practise using the short division method to solve problems when dividing four by one digit numbers including quotients with remainders and the use of rounding to express solutions

  • Work Diaries

    Work Diaries

    Select and compose fictional and factual recounts describing some of the things that can happen when completing jobs at home in some other locations

  • Number Digits

    Number Digits

    Identify, record and compare the sets of tens and ones that can indicate the numerical values of different two digit numbers