Home > Key Stage Two > Maths > Year Five Planning > Term Two
Unit A – Multiplication Steps

This maths scheme of work for Key Stage Two gets the children to identify and use the correct calculation steps needed to solve problems when multiplying numbers using informal and formal layouts to multiply by one and two digit numbers. The class can explain how to use the times tables to complete the steps.

Identify and use the correct calculation steps needed to solve problems when multiplying numbers using informal and formal layouts to multiply by one and two digit numbers

Lesson One : Table Multiplication
Practise using diagrams to model how to multiply a selection of four digits by one digit numbers to produce a range of different products

Lesson Two : Multiplication Digits
Identify and record how to multiply the matching digits that are needed to complete formal multiplication of four digits by one digit numbers

Lesson Three : Grid Multiplication
Revise and illustrate how to multiply different pairs of two digit numbers by using a grid to partition digits by their place value to support each calculation

Lesson Four : Multiplication Corrections
Identify and correct mistakes in different multiplication calculations that can be used to multiply different pairs of two digit numbers

Lesson Five : Factory Numbers
Model how to solve a range of different number problems about products made in a factory by using a formal written method to multiply two by two digit numbers
Written Addition Sums
Practise using standard methods of calculation for columnar addition to solve problems when finding the sums of pairs of different numbers
Ocean Crossing
Select and add different pairs of money amounts using a standard written method of calculation to choose some of the special items that are needed for a sea voyage across an ocean
Theme Park Rides
Identify and model how to use addition standard written methods to calculate the length and cost of building different theme park rollercoaster rides
Addition True and False
Investigate and illustrate how to use standard written methods to check addition calculations of three, four and five digit numbers including decimals