This science scheme of work for Year Six in Key Stage Two gets the children to explore and model concepts about how light is produced and how it can travel through different materials. The class can investigate how shadows are created, how light travels in straight lines and how people see colour.

Explore and model concepts about how light is produced and how it can travel through different materials

Lesson One : Class Light Quiz

Identify and record a range of different true and false statements about how light can be produced and how it might travel through materials

Lesson Two : The Eye

Research and record answers to different quiz questions to explain a range of facts and information about how the eye works in the human body

Lesson Three : Light Rays

Investigate and illustrate different ways of explaining and demonstrating how light from a specific source can travel in a straight line

Lesson Four : Pinhole Camera

Devise and build a model of a pinhole camera to explain and demonstrate how light travels in straight lines from a light source

Lesson Five : Reflection

Explain, describe and test how light from a specific source can be reflected off a range of different surfaces and materials

Lesson Six : Colours

Investigate and prove by conducting test to illustrate how the eye can see and interpret a range of different colours

Light Assessment

Assess abilities in exploring and modelling concepts about how light is produced and how it can travel through different materials

  • Suffix Rules

    Suffix Rules

    Practise adding a range of different suffixes to word roots using the matching spelling rules to use when describing events in a fiction story that raises issues about school life

  • Detective Stories

    Detective Stories

    Investigate common narrative features and styles of mystery and thriller writing, learn spelling rules for adding the suffix able and practise using commas to write compound and complex sentences

  • Detective Story Puzzles

    Detective Story Puzzles

    Identify and record how to write an extra section to match the structure and format of a detective story to create puzzles in the mind of the reader about what happened

  • Detective Story Paragraphs

    Detective Story Paragraphs

    Model and record how to convert a selection of paragraphs from a detective story from the first to the third person to indicate the sequence of narrative events