Key Stage Two

Discover schemes of work, lesson plans, classroom worksheets and interactive activities to develop skills in all National Curriculum subjects including Religious Education for Key Stage Two classes

  • Christmas Shapes

    Christmas Shapes

    Investigate and model how to use different materials and art techniques to design and make decorations to celebrate Christmas

  • North Pole Letters

    North Pole Letters

    Identify and model how to format and structure letters correctly to and from different characters living at the North Pole

  • Nativity Events

    Nativity Events

    Explore and record some of the main events that occurred surrounding the birth of Jesus by composing a range of different texts to sequence and illustrate what happened

  • Christmas Tree Ornaments

    Christmas Tree Ornaments

    Investigate how to use different modelling techniques when shaping and combining materials to create Christmas tree ornaments

  • Christmas World

    Christmas World

    Explore how different countries around the world celebrate Christmas by following a range of special customs and traditions that reflect religious and secular stories

  • Christmas Shopping

    Christmas Shopping

    Practise using formal written methods for addition and multiplication to calculate the cost of buying different items to celebrate a family Christmas

  • Santa’s Workshop

    Santa’s Workshop

    Plan and write an explanation to describe how Santa Claus prepares for Christmas including using apostrophes to indicate possession in sentences

  • Multiplication Methods

    Multiplication Methods

    Practise using standard written methods for multiplication to solve abstract and real world problems

  • Digit Values

    Digit Values

    Explore and model how the place value of the digits in different numbers change when multiplied and divided by ten and one hundred

  • Lady of Shalott

    Lady of Shalott

    Explore how poets use figurative language to describe settings and characters when narrating a story

  • Whales Song

    Whales Song

    Explore how authors use dialogue to illustrate the actions and thoughts of story characters and narrate plot events

  • Confusing Word Pairs

    Confusing Word Pairs

    Identify and model pairs of words that are commonly confused with each other in sentences to illustrate their different meanings

  • Addition Inverse Operations

    Addition Inverse Operations

    Explain and model how to solve subtraction number problems by using addition sums as inverse operations

  • Pollution


    Identify, compare and record some of the causes and consequences of different forms of pollution that can affect local and global communities

  • Football


    Develop, practise and refine some of the different techniques and skills that are needed when playing a team game of football

  • Two Digit Addition

    Two Digit Addition

    Practise solving a range of number problems by adding pairs of two digit numbers using informal and informal methods of calculation