English Teaching Resources
Discover schemes of work, lesson plans, classroom worksheets and interactive activities to develop skills in English for Key Stage One covering reading, writing transcription, writing composition, spoken language and vocabulary, grammar and punctuation
Family Shopping
Read and produce signs and labels that families might see whilst out shopping for different items when visiting a range of shops
New Pets
Explore descriptive language used in stories about family life, practise spelling words with le endings and write sentences using the correct punctuation
Family Visits
Plan and write personal recounts describing what might happen during family visits to special places
Bus Trips
Read and compare explanations with fictional stories about how and why families can make different journeys by bus
Plurals Word Match
Identify, match and record changes to the spellings of different words when adding suffixes to nouns when forming plurals
Word Display Short Vowel Sounds
Identify, match and record the spellings of a range of different cvc words with the same short vowel sounds
Rhyming Poems
Explore the vocabulary and structure of a range of narrative and traditional poems
City Signs
Practise and refine skills in formatting and editing text in word processed documents to make different signs suitable for a range of locations in a city
Family Homes
Identify and record how to sequence and compose sets of instructions for families to follow when completing different jobs at home
Sports and Games
Explain and model how to compose sets of instructions for athletes and players to follow when competing in a range of different sports and games
Number Sets
Select and record sets of numbers to one hundred when counting in different steps and illustrating numbers with greater than and less than number values