English Teaching Resources

Discover schemes of work, lesson plans, classroom worksheets and interactive activities to develop skills in English for Key Stage One covering reading, writing transcription, writing composition, spoken language and vocabulary, grammar and punctuation

  • Word Spellings

    Word Spellings

    Identify, match and record the spelling of words with a range of common spelling patterns to use when composing sentences on different topics

  • Fantastic Foxes

    Fantastic Foxes

    Explore the narrative structure and sequence of events in a story by a significant author with animals as the main characters

  • Wild Things

    Wild Things

    Explore narrative settings and predict events in a story set in a fantasy world, investigate the spellings of different words with tch endings and practise joining pairs of sentences using the conjunction and

  • Traditional Tales

    Traditional Tales

    Read and answer comprehension questions about the structure and format of a range of stories with traditional narrative sequences

  • Pirate Ships

    Pirate Ships

    Read and follow sets of simple instructions, practise building words by adding the suffix ly to different word roots and write sentences that are commands, questions and statements

  • Final Sound Match

    Final Sound Match

    Identify, match and practise spelling a range of different words with the same final phoneme sounds

  • Handa’s Surprise

    Handa’s Surprise

    Investigate and describe the use of patterned language and narrative events in a story from another culture

  • Traditional Fables

    Traditional Fables

    Explore and model the events and characters that feature in traditional tales written as fables to teach the reader a moral lesson

  • Christmas Lists

    Christmas Lists

    Identify and model how to compile lists of items that might be needed for different Christmas events or experiences

  • Santa’s Holiday

    Santa’s Holiday

    Plan and write a narrative story to describe some of the different places that Santa could visit on a holiday

  • Wild Pets

    Wild Pets

    Investigate some of the special words used to describe different types of wild animals in poems with patterned language

  • Family Travel

    Family Travel

    Identify and record how to link pairs of clauses in sentences about different ways to travel using the conjunctions and and or

  • Sport Signs

    Sport Signs

    Practise designing and making a range of signs and labels that can be used to provide information about different sports and games

  • Wild Animals

    Wild Animals

    Plan and write a narrative story with a familiar setting about a family keeping an unusual animal as a pet

  • Family Lists

    Family Lists

    Select and record matching lists of different items that might be needed by families for a range of special events and experiences

  • Scarecrows


    Select and combine different materials to design and make scarecrows for a garden to match identified success criteria