Unit E – Family Shopping

This English scheme of work for Key Stage One gets the children to read and produce signs and labels that families might see whilst out shopping, identify words with the vowel digraphs ay and oy and practise writing words in sentences leaving the correct spaces.

Read and produce signs and labels that families might see whilst out shopping for different items when visiting a range of shops

Lesson One : Word Groups

Identify and sort a range of different words with long and short vowel a phonemes into matching groups

Lesson Two : Word Sounds

Play games to identify and match sets of different words with the ay or oy vowel digraphs

Lesson Three : Supermarket Lists

Identify and compile lists of products that might be sold in different sections in a supermarket that can be bought on a shopping trip

Lesson Four : Supermarket Labels

Design and produce labels to describe some of the different products that can be sold in a supermarket

Lesson Five : Tins and Boxes

Complete product labels for items that can be sold in a supermarket to use when role-playing a family shopping trip

  • City Cafe

    City Cafe

    Select and combine different ingredients to design and make a range of foods including sandwiches and cakes that can be sold in café in a city location

  • Baking Cakes

    Baking Cakes

    Read and follow a set of instructions to bake and decorate some different cakes that can be sold to the customers in a cafe

  • Cupcake Designs

    Cupcake Designs

    Select and use a range of shapes to create different icing designs when making a selection of cupcakes to sell to customers eating in a cafe

  • Cafe Sandwiches

    Cafe Sandwiches

    Practise sequencing and following a set of instructions to make a range of sandwiches using different fillings that can be sold to customers in a cafe