Lesson One – What Shoes

This curriculum topic teaching pack for the Foundation Stage gets the children to identify, describe and compare a selection of different types of footwear that are suitable for a range of specific functions.

The class can practise using non-standard measurements to compare the height and lengths of different types of footwear that could be worn when playing sports, walking in the rain or for some other purposes.

Download this teaching pack including a lesson plan, classroom activities and an interactive presentation to identify, describe and compare a selection of different types of footwear that are suitable for a range of specific functions

Activities in this teaching pack include display posters to identify and describe different types of footwear worn for a range of functions, a template to record the height and length of different footwear using non-standard measurements and a worksheet to make models of different types of shoes to match selected functions.

The interactive presentation gets the children to explore, describe and compare footwear that are suitable for a range of different functions.

This lesson is part of a curriculum topic scheme of work to get the children to investigate, compare and test some of materials that can be used to make different types of footwear that are used for a range of functions. There are teaching activities for shared learning, differentiated worksheets to support independent learning and interactive presentations to introduce concepts and key skills.

  • Alphabet Mazes

    Alphabet Mazes

    Practise identifying and recording the formation of each of the letters in the alphabet by completing and devising different puzzles

  • Alphabet Maze Letter h

    Alphabet Maze Letter h

    Identify and record the formation of the letter h in the alphabet by completing a puzzle to show the correct path through a maze of different letters

  • Alphabet Maze Letter g

    Alphabet Maze Letter g

    Identify and record the formation of the letter g in the alphabet by completing a puzzle to show the correct path through a maze of different letters

  • Alphabet Maze Letter f

    Alphabet Maze Letter f

    Identify and record the formation of the letter f in the alphabet by completing a puzzle to show the correct path through a maze of different letters