New Key Stage Two Teaching Resources

Check out some of the newest schemes of work, lesson plans, classroom essentials and interactive presentations recently added to Clickprimary for Key Stage Two

  • Measuring Gravity

    Measuring Gravity

    Conduct and present results from a scientific investigation that explores the link between the force of gravity and the mass of objects

  • Isaac Newton

    Isaac Newton

    Explore and illustrate how the scientist Isaac Newton discovered and proved the existence of the force of gravity in the universe

  • What Force

    What Force

    Explore, describe and model some of the forces acting on different objects and materials that can create a range of movements and actions

  • Laws of Motion

    Laws of Motion

    Investigate and devise a range of different tests to prove Newton’s three laws of motions to illustrate how forces can act on objects

  • Addition Measurements

    Addition Measurements

    Practise solving a range of addition number problems using measurements for length, mass and capacity in a range of units

  • Pizza Toppings

    Pizza Toppings

    Explain and model how to calculate the mass of pairs of toppings added to a pizza using informal addition calculations when adding multiples of fifty and one hundred

  • Farm Lengths

    Farm Lengths

    Identify and record how to solve a range of measurement length problems about farms using addition and subtraction written calculations

  • Water Bottles

    Water Bottles

    Practise calculating the capacities of different sized bottles by exploring how to add pairs of two digit numbers using standard written methods

  • Log Flume

    Log Flume

    Design and calculate the length of the track for a theme park log flume ride using addition sums with measurements that have been recorded in metres

  • School Debates

    School Debates

    Explain and model how to compose a range of discussion texts to debate and present arguments about issues that are important to life in a school

  • Mobile Phones

    Mobile Phones

    Explore and model how to format and structure a discursive writing text to argue different points of view about whether pupils should be allowed to use mobile phones when at school

  • Books or Laptops

    Books or Laptops

    Select and record the viewpoints of different groups about whether pupils in a school learn best by working using either books or laptops