New Key Stage Two Teaching Resources

Check out some of the newest schemes of work, lesson plans, classroom essentials and interactive presentations recently added to Clickprimary for Key Stage Two

  • School Rules

    School Rules

    Select and compose a range of complex sentences to use in a discussion text containing facts and opinions describing different school issues and rules

  • Classroom Rules

    Classroom Rules

    Identify and devise a set of behaviour and academic rules that are needed to run the classroom efficiently throughout the school year

  • Creation


    Investigate and illustrate some of the stories that have been told by different groups and communities about the creation of the world

  • Creation Presentations

    Creation Presentations

    Complete and perform multimedia presentations about the creation beliefs of one religion through some of their shared and published stories

  • Creation Stories

    Creation Stories

    Research and record information to prepare a multimedia presentation about the creation beliefs of one religion from a special community in the world

  • Native Americans

    Native Americans

    Devise and produce material collages to reflect some of the special themes and ideas contained in stories about creation that were told by Native American tribe

  • Hindu Creation

    Hindu Creation

    Select and compose a piece of music to reflect some of the ideas about creation that are depicted in a religious story from Hinduism

  • Adam and Eve

    Adam and Eve

    Write and perform a play script to dramatise one part of the Christian story of creation from the Bible related to the first man and woman in the book of Genesis

  • Christian Creation

    Christian Creation

    Investigate and record some of the special beliefs that are held by Christians about the creation of the world as described in the Bible

  • Italian Pasta Salad

    Italian Pasta Salad

    Design and prepare a recipe for a pasta salad for an airline meal using different foods that are grown and produced in Italy

  • Pasta Tasting

    Pasta Tasting

    Prepare and evaluate a food snack to match the selected success design criteria and suggest changes and improvements to the recipe

  • Pasta Recipe

    Pasta Recipe

    Devise and record the instructional recipe for someone to follow to make an Italian themed pasta salad to match the selected design success criteria for the created product