Key Stage Two

Discover schemes of work, lesson plans, classroom worksheets and interactive activities to develop skills in all National Curriculum subjects including Religious Education for Key Stage Two classes

  • Weather Facts

    Weather Facts

    Explore how to read and write explanations to explain how and why different forms of weather can occur in a range of locations around the world

  • Testing Materials

    Testing Materials

    Investigate and test the properties of different types of materials including durability, opacity, strength and conductivity

  • Weather Station

    Weather Station

    Select materials and techniques to utilise when designing and making a range of instruments that can be used measure the local weather around the school

  • Fraction Changes

    Fraction Changes

    Identify and illustrate how to change and convert the values of different fractions using equivalence, simplification and conversion between mixed and improper fractions

  • Area


    Identify, record and compare the surface areas of a range of different rectilinear and irregular shapes by counting their matching numbers of squares

  • Poem Mysteries

    Poem Mysteries

    Explore and adapt vocabulary used in a narrative poem to describe characters and settings

  • School Storms

    School Storms

    Read and analyse the structure and content of recounts about the weather and write sentences from different viewpoints

  • Rocks


    Identify, compare and classify different types of rocks, soils and fossils according to their matching material properties for appearance, texture and substance

  • Georges Seurat

    Georges Seurat

    Identify, describe and replicate the painting style of a significant French artist by using pointillism to create scenes of different landscape views

  • Basketball


    Practise and develop the range of skills needed to pass, dribble and shoot a basketball as part of a team game

  • Volcanoes


    Identify, describe and compare the effects that volcanoes can have on different landscapes and populations in communities around the world

  • Relationships


    Identify and explain how to develop strong ad positive relationships with others in different situations and scenarios

  • Shelters


    Select and combine a range of different materials and building techniques to construct a model of a survival shelter suitable for an island location

  • School Learning

    School Learning

    Select and compose sets of instructions for pupils to follow in a school to make improvements to their learning, work and behaviour

  • School Events

    School Events

    Explain and model how to compose a range of different recounts to illustrate some of the special events that might happen during the school year

  • Christian Prayers

    Christian Prayers

    Investigate and record how Christians can illustrate and demonstrate their faith and beliefs through different prayers