Maths Teaching Resources
Discover schemes of work, lesson plans, classroom worksheets and interactive activities to develop skills in maths for Key Stage Two covering number, geometry, measurement and statistics
Digit Value Changes
Model and illustrate changes to the place value of the digits in different numbers when multiplying and dividing by ten, one hundred and one thousand
Journey Times
Practise solving a range of measurement problems about the duration of journeys using different forms of transport
Times Tables Groups
Model and illustrate how to use facts in the times tables to multiply different numbers by two and five by counting and grouping matching products
Addition and Subtraction Solutions
Identify and model how to solve contextual problems using formal written calculations for addition and subtraction including exchange between place value
Equivalent Fractions
Identify and record equivalent fractions to match different numbers of fractions using diagrams and number calculations for multiplication and division
Fraction Sums
Model and record the steps that can be used to solve problems by adding and subtracting pairs of non-unit and mixed number fractions
Multiplication Numbers
Explore and illustrate the properties of numbers that can support multiplication calculations
Recipe Ingredients
Practise finding the numbers of ingredients needed for different recipes by their expressing their ratios using division and multiplication calculations
Easter Party
Explain and model how to compose sets of instructions for families to follow when preparing foods and decorations to celebrate Easter
Viking Invasion
Identify and record reasons as to why and how the Vikings invaded in Britain in the past by using primary and secondary historical sources
Decimal Addition
Practise solving a range of addition problem involving decimals to one, two and three decimal places working with both mental and written calculation strategies