English Year Three Planning Term One

Discover some schemes of work, lesson plans, classroom worksheets and interactive activities to develop skills in English for Year Three in Key Stage Two covering a range of fiction, non-fiction and poetry topics and themes

(A) Story Places

Respond to stories with familiar settings to investigate story structure and descriptive vocabulary, practise adding the prefixes dis and mis to word roots and learn how to join sentences using conjunctions

(F) Whales Song

Explore how authors use dialogue to illustrate the actions and thoughts of story characters and narrate plot events, practise adding prefixes to word roots and punctuate dialogue sentences

(G) Animal Facts

Explore and record the structure of alphabetically ordered texts using encyclopaedia entries about different animals

  • Number Squares

    Number Squares

    Develop and refine calculation skills for all four number operations working with different groups and pairs of numbers

  • One Hundred Number Squares

    One Hundred Number Squares

    Develop and refine calculation skills for all four number operations working with different groups and pairs of numbers to one hundred

  • Fifty Number Squares

    Fifty Number Squares

    Develop and refine calculation skills for all four number operations working with different groups and pairs of numbers to fifty

  • Twenty Number Squares

    Twenty Number Squares

    Develop and refine calculation skills for all four number operations working with different groups and pairs of numbers to twenty