Lesson One – British Isles

This geography teaching pack for Key Stage One gets the children to identify, name and locate each of the different seas that surround the British Isles and its four constituent countries of England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland.
The class can name some of the different seas that can be seen when visiting a selection of different seaside towns and cities around the United Kingdom.
Download this teaching pack including a lesson plan, classroom activities and an interactive presentation to identify, name and locate each of the different seas that surround the British Isles and its four constituent countries of England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland
Activities in this teaching pack include display posters to identify and locate the different seas that surround the four countries of the United Kingdom and name the closest seas to a range of locations and sets of cards to record the location of countries and closest seas for different locations around the United Kingdom and label a map showing the seas and countries in and around the United Kingdom.
The interactive presentation gets the children to explore the names and locations of the different seas that surround the British Isles.
This lesson is part of a geography scheme of work to get the children to identify, describe and locate all of the main seas and oceans of the world using maps and compare vehicles used for marine transportation. There are teaching activities for shared learning, differentiated worksheets to support independent learning and interactive presentations to introduce concepts and key skills.
Farm Toys
Design and make different toys that include a movement mechanism to illustrate things found and used on a farm
Farm Puppet
Explore how to design and make a puppet of a farmer using a movement mechanism to illustrate the matching actions of the character
Spinning Toy
Investigate how to build a model of a toy that includes rotational movements to show some of the different actions that might happen on a farm
Farm Animals
Design and build a model of a toy that uses card linkages to create a range of different movements to represent actions of an animal that lives on a farm