This numeracy teaching pack for the Foundation Stage gets the children to count, compare and record numbers of different colours and shapes that can match each of the numerical digits for counted numbers to ten.

The class can make and record collections and models of different shapes to match the numbers from one to ten that have been recorded using digits.

Download this teaching pack including a lesson plan, classroom activities and an interactive presentation to count, compare and record numbers of different colours and shapes that can match each of the numerical digits for counted numbers to ten

Activities in this teaching pack include sets of cards to count and record different numbers of shapes to ten that have been collected from around the classroom and make examples of groups of objects using matching numbers to ten.

The interactive presentation gets the children to explore how to count, compare and record numbers of different colours and shapes to ten.

This lesson is part of a numeracy scheme of work to get the children to practise counting different numbers of objects to ten, match numerals to counted objects and sort numbers into their correct order. There are teaching activities for shared learning, differentiated worksheets to support independent learning and interactive presentations to introduce concepts and key skills.

  • Number Counting

    Number Counting

    Practise counting different numbers of objects to ten, match numerals to counted objects and sort numbers into their correct order

  • Street Counting

    Street Counting

    Practise counting number of different objects that can seen on a street in the local area working with each of the numbers to ten

  • Ordering Numbers

    Ordering Numbers

    Model how to count, compare and sequence sets of numbers to ten using groups of shapes and sets of numerical digits

  • Ten Shapes

    Ten Shapes

    Count, compare and record numbers of different colours and shapes that can match each of the numerical digits for counted numbers to ten