Unit A – Zoo Counting

This numeracy scheme of work for the Foundation Stage gets the children to count, compare and order sets of objects to twenty and identify the matching numbers using words and numerals. The class can use numbers of animals found in a zoo to demonstrate their understanding of numbers to twenty.

Count, compare and order sets of objects to twenty and identify the matching numbers using words and numerals

Lesson One : Words and Digits
Identify, count and record different numbers of animals that live in a zoo to twenty and identify the matching numeral digits and vocabulary words for each number

Lesson Two : Next Numbers
Sequence, compare and match different numbers about visiting a zoo to twenty recorded in both words and numerical digits

Lesson Three : Animal Numbers
Investigate, order and compare each of the numbers to twenty written in words and digits to match animals that can be seen when visiting a zoo

Lesson Four : Number Lists
Count, read and write numbers to twenty that can match different quantities of food that can be fed to some of the animals that live in a zoo

Lesson Five : Number Boxes
Count and match different numbers of animals that can be seen when visiting a zoo to twenty that have been recorded in both words and numerical digits
Select and combine a range of different shapes, colours and patterns that can be used to design and print a t-shirt for a specific function or event
Fashion Parade
Select and design clothing patterns to use on t-shirts matching a range of different family functions, events and occasions
T-shirt Shapes
Investigate and record some of the different shapes that can be used to make pattern designs on clothing to match a special function, occasion or event
T-shirt Printing
Explore and test different ways of printing shapes and patterns on fabric to represent occasions and events to use on example t-shirts