Christmas Market

You can invite other pupils and parents into the classroom to purchase food snacks, cards and decorations made by the class for Christmas. The children can make a range of Christmas items to sell on their market stalls set up in a decorated classroom with trees, lights and decorations.
Get the class to follow recipes when making decorated cakes to sell. The children can select and combine materials to make decorations for a tree. They can design and make cards for others to buy and send to their friends.
Christmas Cakes
Get the class to follow some recipes to make a selection of decorated cakes to sell at the market. The children can combine and bake ingredients to make some plain fairy cakes. If you don’t have time to get the children to bake the cakes then you can buy some plain fairy cakes from a supermarket. Get the class to cover the top of their cakes in icing and then use marzipan to create a Christmas picture on top. Tell the children to select simple images to add to their cakes such as the shape of a star or a tree to avoid complications when working with the marzipan.
Christmas Cookies
The children can also bake and decorate some biscuit shapes to sell at the Christmas market. Get the class to try following a recipe to make some simple sugar cookies cut into different Christmas shapes. If you don’t have time to get the children to bake the cookies then you can buy some plain biscuits from a supermarket for the class to use. Once the class have baked the biscuits they can be decorated by piping icing around the edge of each biscuit using ready made icing. The children can wrap the completed biscuits in some cling film by tying the package with some coloured ribbon.
Christmas Cards
The class can also make some cards to sell to other pupils and parents at the Christmas market. Get the children to cut some Christmas shapes from thick card which can then be decorated with tissue paper, wool or other materials. The class can glue a folded piece of paper to the front of the card and then glue the Christmas shape over the top so that is stands out from the card. Tell the children to add a message to the top and inside to complete their cards.
Tree Decorations
The class can also make some Christmas decorations to sell at the market. Get the children to cut a pair of Christmas shapes from some thick cardboard. They can then wind some coloured wool around each of the shapes. Tell the children to add foil shapes and glitter glue to decorate the shapes. The class can then glue a piece of folded paper between the shapes to make a 3D decoration. The children can tie a piece of ribbon to the top of the decoration so that it can be displayed on a Christmas tree.
Gift Boxes
The children can also make some boxes for others to purchase at the Christmas market that could be used when sending gifts to family and friends. Get the class to fold nets of cubes and cuboids from coloured card to make the gift boxes. The children can use foil paper and glitter glue to decorate the outside of the nets. Alternatively, the class can try printing Christmas shapes to make patterns on the boxes. Once the boxes have been folded together they can be tied with a ribbon and a bow on the top ready to sell.
Times Tables Division
Practise using facts in each of the times tables to support the division of pairs of numbers when solving a range of problems
Football Teams
Investigate and record how to format and structure letters that could be sent to and from football teams for different purposes and functions
Sporting Poems
Practise writing poems with patterned language and rhythm structures to describe movements and actions connected to different sports and games
Food and Drink
Select powerful and descriptive vocabulary to use in poems describing different types of food and drink that can be enjoyed for a range of meals