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Teaching Ideas
Classroom teaching ideas and lesson planning advice to support busy primary school teachers in Key Stages One and Two and the Foundation Stage. Discover a fantastic range of primary resources to excite and inspire pupils on different topics and themes.
Story Reverses
Develop understanding of the narrative structure of fictional stories by sequencing and writing stories in reverse
Country Support
Understand the events of a natural disaster and how the school community can provide support to families affected
Love and Understanding
Develop and demonstrate love and understanding for the world community at a local, national and global level
School Trips
Prepare for and manage a school trip to support curriculum learning in different subjects and topics
School Library
Practise a range of skills in using the school library to access information to support learning across the curriculum
Green Steps
Identify and record some of the personal steps that can be taken to protect and preserve the planet for future generations
Class Newspapers
Identify and illustrate how to structure and format reports using journalistic writing to publish newspapers about things happening in the school
Story Journal
Plan and write a story using different narrative techniques, identify the meanings of homonyms and practise extending sentences using commas
City Signs
Practise and refine skills in formatting and editing text in word processed documents to make different signs suitable for a range of locations in a city
Family Homes
Identify and record how to sequence and compose sets of instructions for families to follow when completing different jobs at home