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Teaching Ideas

Classroom teaching ideas and lesson planning advice to support busy primary school teachers in Key Stages One and Two and the Foundation Stage. Discover a fantastic range of primary resources to excite and inspire pupils on different topics and themes.

  • Spelling Support

    Spelling Support

    Support progress and development in spelling to enable pupils to become fluent and proficient writers across a range of writing genres

  • Times Tables

    Times Tables

    Learn and recall all of the times tables facts to support mastery of a range of number calculations

  • Story Reverses

    Story Reverses

    Develop understanding of the narrative structure of fictional stories by sequencing and writing stories in reverse

  • Country Support

    Country Support

    Understand the events of a natural disaster and how the school community can provide support to families affected

  • Love and Understanding

    Love and Understanding

    Develop and demonstrate love and understanding for the world community at a local, national and global level

  • School Trips

    School Trips

    Prepare for and manage a school trip to support curriculum learning in different subjects and topics

  • School Library

    School Library

    Practise a range of skills in using the school library to access information to support learning across the curriculum

  • Green Steps

    Green Steps

    Identify and record some of the personal steps that can be taken to protect and preserve the planet for future generations

  • Mountain Words

    Mountain Words

    Select and order synonyms for powerful adjectives that can be used to describe different nouns that are connected to parts of a mountain

  • Forest Words

    Forest Words

    Select and order synonyms for powerful adjectives that can be used to describe different nouns that are connected to parts of a forest

  • The Hare and the Tortoise

    The Hare and the Tortoise

    Select and change some of the main characters in a retelling of a traditional fable story to illustrate how the narrative events might alter

  • Christmas Models

    Christmas Models

    Practise using a range of materials and art techniques to create models of different decorations that can be used to celebrate Christmas