New Foundation Stage Teaching Resources

Check out some of the newest schemes of work, lesson plans, classroom essentials and interactive presentations recently added to Clickprimary for Reception aged classes

  • Five Little Ducks

    Five Little Ducks

    Identify, sequence and order each of the different events that occur in a traditional nursery rhyme and segment and blend cvc words used in the narrative

  • This Old Man

    This Old Man

    Explore, record and perform the use of rhyming language and vocabulary words that feature in a traditional nursery rhyme poem about a special character

  • Hickory Dickory Dock

    Hickory Dickory Dock

    Identify, describe and model the use of patterned language and vocabulary rhyming words that feature in a traditional nursery rhyme poem

  • School Labels

    School Labels

    Practise structuring and formatting different word processed documents to label a range of objects and locations around the classroom

  • School Posters

    School Posters

    Model how to enter and format lines of text using a word processed document to produce a selection of posters to match different areas in the classroom

  • School Lists

    School Lists

    Practise typing lines of text on a word processed document to list some of the different items that are needed for a range of classroom lessons and topics

  • Name Labels

    Name Labels

    Practise changing the size of document letters when typing display labels for use in the classroom to indicate different names of class pupils

  • Font Colours

    Font Colours

    Practise typing and editing words using a computer keyboard using a range of font styles showing the matching colours of different animals

  • Capital Letters

    Capital Letters

    Practise typing capital letters using a computer keyboard to record the names of different classmates to make some personal tray labels

  • Class Labels

    Class Labels

    Practise typing and printing a selection of word processed labels for different tools and equipment that can be found around the classroom

  • Animal Sizes

    Animal Sizes

    Practise using the correct vocabulary words to identify and describe the sizes of different animals that live in the world

  • Animal Words

    Animal Words

    Identify and match sets of statements to describe the sizes of a range of different animals using the vocabulary words of bigger and smaller