New Foundation Stage Teaching Resources
Check out some of the newest schemes of work, lesson plans, classroom essentials and interactive presentations recently added to Clickprimary for Reception aged classes
Home Survey
Identify, name and compare some of the different objects that can be found in a family home for a range of special functions and purposes
Family Kitchens
Identify and describe some of the different objects that can be found and used in a kitchen in a family home for a range of functions
Family Gardens
Identify and describe some of the special objects that can be found in an outside location at a house lived in by a family
What Rooms
Identify and describe some of the special objects that can be found in some of the different rooms as part of a family a home
What Homes
Locate, describe and compare the range of different type of homes that can be found in the school neighbourhood
What Buildings
Identify and describe the functions of some of the different types of buildings that can be found in the local area close to the school
Practise adding pairs of one digit numbers by using counting on from the biggest number working with concrete equipment and diagrams to support calculations
Number Sentences
Identify and record sets of matching number sentences to show how to add pairs of single digit numbers to make different sums to ten
Money Pennies
Practise using counting on to add different money amounts using pairs of single digit numbers to calculate the cost of buying different items from a shop
Two More
Explain and model how to add two more to different numbers to ten by using counting on to calculate the matching addition sums
Number Jumps
Investigate and record how to add different pairs of single digit numbers when counting on from the biggest number to make each addition sum
Counting and Adding
Identify and model how to add different pairs of single digit numbers by counting on from the biggest number to find each matching sum