Lesson Three – Story Dialogue

This English teaching pack for Key Stage Two gets the children to select and record matching dialogue in example sentences that might have been spoken by different characters in a narrative story.
The class can practise writing their own sentences using the correct direct speech punctuation to suggest what characters might say in response to a range of different story events.
Download this teaching pack including a lesson plan, classroom activities and an interactive presentation to select and record matching dialogue in example sentences that might have been spoken by different characters in a narrative story
Activities in this teaching pack include a template to select and record dialogue using the correct sentence punctuation that might have been spoken by some of the different characters in a fiction story that has read by the class.
The interactive presentation gets the children to explore how to record dialogue in correctly punctuated sentences that might have been spoken by different characters in a story.
This lesson is part of an English scheme of work to get the children to investigate how authors illustrate characters and narrate plot events using direct speech when writing stories, practise adding prefixes to word roots and punctuate direct speech sentences correctly. There are teaching activities for shared learning, differentiated worksheets to support independent learning and interactive presentations to introduce concepts and key skills.
Addition Exchange
Practise using mental and written calculation methods to add numbers including informal and formal columnar techniques with exchange between place value
Easter Story Poems
Practise composing and publishing different types of poems that use line structures and vocabulary to illustrate scenes in the Easter story
Sand Horses
Investigate how authors illustrate characters and narrate plot events using direct speech when writing stories
School Reports
Research and write a news report using journalistic writing containing fact and opinion about a mysterious school event