Lesson Three – When, Where, How

This English teaching pack for Key Stage Two gets the children to select and add fronted adverbials to a range of different sentences to show when, where, or how something happened in a story by Roald Dahl.

The class can suggest how a narrative story might change and develop with some alternative characters and settings as part of the narrative structure.

Download this teaching pack including a lesson plan, classroom activities and an interactive presentation to select and add fronted adverbials to a range of different sentences to show when, where, or how something happened in a story by Roald Dahl

Activities in this teaching pack include a differentiated worksheets to model how to add a range of different fronted adverbials to example sentences to show when, where, or how something happened in a narrative story by Roald Dahl.

The interactive presentation gets the children to explore how to add fronted adverbials to sentences to show when, where, or how something happened in a story.

This lesson is part of an English scheme of work to get the children to explore and record different ways of changing characters, settings and events in a story by a significant author, add the suffix ing to words with stressed final consonants and extend sentences using conjunctions and fronted adverbials. There are teaching activities for shared learning, differentiated worksheets to support independent learning and interactive presentations to introduce concepts and key skills.

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