This English teaching pack for Key Stage Two can be used to format and structure a letter to a personal friend using paragraphs to organise sentences around a specific theme or idea when composing the body of a letter.

The class can practise composing letters to pen pals in other countries to find out about their customs and traditions as part of a geography scheme of work.

Download this teaching pack to support lessons in English to format and structure a letter to a personal friend using paragraphs to organise sentences around a specific theme or idea when composing the body of a letter

Activities in this teaching pack include a set of differentiated templates to use when composing a personal letter to a friend using the correct format and structure for this type of writing including the use of paragraphs to organise sentences on a specific theme or idea. The templates could be used in other subject areas when modelling how to write letters to friends in other countries or from different time periods.

This teaching pack can support development in planning and writing a non-fiction text using the correct layout for a letter to a personal friend including the address, salutation and body.

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