Maths Teaching Resources

Discover schemes of work, lesson plans, classroom worksheets and interactive activities to develop skills in maths for Key Stage Two covering number, geometry, measurement and statistics

  • Shape Angles

    Shape Angles

    Identify, record and classify some of the different types of angles that form the individual properties of a range of 2D shapes

  • Angle Measurements

    Angle Measurements

    Explore and record the properties of different shapes by identifying, classifying and measuring a range of their matching angles

  • Shop Sales

    Shop Sales

    Use number calculation skills to total receipts of different items bought in shops or at visitor attractions and record discount sale prices to match shopping budgets

  • Place Value Number Cards

    Place Value Number Cards

    Identify, model and record the place value of the numerical digits in different numbers when finding sums, products and quotients

  • Number Squares

    Number Squares

    Develop and refine calculation skills for all four number operations working with different groups and pairs of numbers

  • Mass Measurements

    Mass Measurements

    Solve problems by measuring, estimating, comparing and calculating the mass of different objects using standard measurement units

  • Multiplication Solutions

    Multiplication Solutions

    Practise using formal written methods to multiply three and four digit numbers by two digit numbers to solve real world and abstract multiplication problems

  • Times Tables Facts

    Times Tables Facts

    Practise different strategies and techniques to learn each of the facts in the times tables to support number calculations

  • Roman Numeral Numbers

    Roman Numeral Numbers

    Recall and practise using the symbols and shapes that were used by the Romans to represent different sets of numbers

  • Hundreds, Tens and Ones

    Hundreds, Tens and Ones

    Investigate the place value of the numerical digits in numbers with different combinations of hundreds, tens and ones

  • Shape Areas

    Shape Areas

    Develop and refine skills in measuring and calculating the areas and perimeters of different geometric shapes including rectilinear and compound shapes

  • Length and Height

    Length and Height

    Measure the length and height of different objects in metres, centimetres and millimetres using different measuring tools and equipment

  • Ancient Egyptian Tiles

    Ancient Egyptian Tiles

    Design and produce tiles that can represent Ancient Egyptian culture and traditions by adding shapes, patterns and attachments to clay models

  • Old Testament

    Old Testament

    Explore the structure, special stories and significant characters that feature in different books that are part of the Old Testament

  • Ancient Greek News

    Ancient Greek News

    Investigate how to format and structure reports to publish in newspapers illustrating some of the historical events that happened during the Ancient Greek civilization

  • Number Millions

    Number Millions

    Investigate, order and compare the value of the digits that comprise different sets of numbers with up to seven digits