English Teaching Resources

Discover schemes of work, lesson plans, classroom worksheets and interactive activities to develop skills in English for Key Stage Two covering reading, writing transcription, writing composition, spoken language and vocabulary, grammar and punctuation

  • Christmas Rules

    Christmas Rules

    Identify and model how to structure and format sets of instructions for families and groups of friends to follow when celebrating Christmas

  • North Pole Letters

    North Pole Letters

    Identify and model how to format and structure letters correctly to and from different characters living at the North Pole

  • Santa’s Workshop

    Santa’s Workshop

    Plan and write an explanation to describe how Santa Claus prepares for Christmas including using apostrophes to indicate possession in sentences

  • Lady of Shalott

    Lady of Shalott

    Explore how poets use figurative language to describe settings and characters when narrating a story

  • Whales Song

    Whales Song

    Explore how authors use dialogue to illustrate the actions and thoughts of story characters and narrate plot events

  • Confusing Word Pairs

    Confusing Word Pairs

    Identify and model pairs of words that are commonly confused with each other in sentences to illustrate their different meanings

  • Weather Facts

    Weather Facts

    Explore how to read and write explanations to explain how and why different forms of weather can occur in a range of locations around the world

  • Poem Mysteries

    Poem Mysteries

    Explore and adapt vocabulary used in a narrative poem to describe characters and settings

  • School Storms

    School Storms

    Read and analyse the structure and content of recounts about the weather and write sentences from different viewpoints

  • Story Ingredients

    Story Ingredients

    Explore narrative structures and use of vocabulary by an established children’s writer, identify and spell words with silent letters and convert sentences between the third and first person

  • Story Places

    Story Places

    Respond to stories with familiar settings to investigate story structure and descriptive vocabulary

  • Suffix Word Boards

    Suffix Word Boards

    Model and record how to add suffixes to different word roots and illustrate changes to their spellings and meanings

  • Recipe Ingredients

    Recipe Ingredients

    Practise finding the numbers of ingredients needed for different recipes by their expressing their ratios using division and multiplication calculations

  • Easter Party

    Easter Party

    Explain and model how to compose sets of instructions for families to follow when preparing foods and decorations to celebrate Easter

  • Viking Invasion

    Viking Invasion

    Identify and record reasons as to why and how the Vikings invaded in Britain in the past by using primary and secondary historical sources

  • Decimal Addition

    Decimal Addition

    Practise solving a range of addition problem involving decimals to one, two and three decimal places working with both mental and written calculation strategies