English Teaching Resources

Discover schemes of work, lesson plans, classroom worksheets and interactive activities to develop skills in English for Key Stage Two covering reading, writing transcription, writing composition, spoken language and vocabulary, grammar and punctuation

  • School Debates

    School Debates

    Explain and model how to compose a range of discussion texts to debate and present arguments about issues that are important to life in a school

  • Story Enrichment

    Story Enrichment

    Identify and record ways of enriching a narrative story using descriptive vocabulary in expanded noun phrases

  • School News

    School News

    Investigate the structure and format of journalistic writing used in newspaper reports and stories about current events

  • Family Life

    Family Life

    Identify and record how to use fronted adverbials to indicate where, when or how things happened in sentences about family events and experiences

  • Story Characters

    Story Characters

    Explore how authors describe and use characters in a story with a familiar setting, add the prefixes in and im to roots, match determinants to nouns and use conjunctions to link sentence clauses

  • Science Fiction

    Science Fiction

    Select characters, settings and events to use when writing science fiction stories, identify words that contain the ible suffix and practise using commas and conjunctions to write complex sentences

  • Relationships


    Compose a selection of different types of poems using figurative language and poetry styles to illustrate relationships between friends and family members

  • School Issues

    School Issues

    Explore the narrative structure and characters that feature in a story about school and friendship, add suffixes to word roots and write sentences with more than one clause

  • Detective Stories

    Detective Stories

    Investigate common narrative features and styles of mystery and thriller writing, learn spelling rules for adding the suffix able and practise using commas to write compound and complex sentences

  • Classic Fiction Extensions

    Classic Fiction Extensions

    Identify and record how to use relative clauses to extend sentences taken from a range of classic fiction stories by significant authors

  • Running Wild

    Running Wild

    Investigate the main characters, settings and sequence of events in an adventure story by a significant ’s author that takes place in a rainforest location

  • Great Flood

    Great Flood

    Compose and edit an informal recount about a significant weather event that could happen at the school

  • Ancient Greek News

    Ancient Greek News

    Investigate how to format and structure reports to publish in newspapers illustrating some of the historical events that happened during the Ancient Greek civilization

  • Number Millions

    Number Millions

    Investigate, order and compare the value of the digits that comprise different sets of numbers with up to seven digits

  • Number Values

    Number Values

    Investigate and record the place value of the numerical digits in different numbers to thousands by partitioning, ordering and comparing

  • Class Newspapers

    Class Newspapers

    Identify and illustrate how to structure and format reports using journalistic writing to publish newspapers about things happening in the school