Unit H – Grams and Kilograms

This maths scheme of work for Key Stage One gets the children to estimate, measure and compare the mass of different sized objects using standard units of measurement for grams and kilograms. The class can use symbols and vocabulary words to compare masses of objects found in a family home.

Estimate, measure and compare the mass of different sized objects using standard units of measurement for grams and kilograms

Lesson One : Toy Cupboard

Identify and model how select and use vocabulary words and symbols to compare the mass of different types of toys and games

Lesson Two : Fruit Bowl

Identify and explain how to complete and record a selection of written sentences to describe the equal masses of different pairs of fruit

Lesson Three : Kitchen Scales

Practise using a set of kitchen scales to correctly measure in grams the individual masses of different types of food that could be used for a range of meal recipes

Lesson Four : Tins and Cans

Identify and calculate the mass of different types of food tins and cans that have been measured and recorded with matching measurements shown in grams

Lesson Five : Bag Kilograms

Identify and explain how to fill different sized bags with sets of classroom or home objects to match a range of masses that have been recorded in measurements for kilograms

  • Unusual Pets

    Unusual Pets

    Plan and write a narrative story with a familiar setting about a family keeping an unusual animal as a pet

  • Unusual Pet Story

    Unusual Pet Story

    Compose and publish a narrative story with a familiar setting to show some of the problems that an unusual animal might make for a family to solve

  • Pet Story Plans

    Pet Story Plans

    Role-play and record some of the narrative events that might happen in a story about a wild animal that might be kept as a pet by a family

  • Pet Lists

    Pet Lists

    Collect and record sets of vocabulary words that can be used to describe in sentences about how to clean, feed and exercise an unusual animal kept as a pet by a family