This English teaching pack for Key Stage One gets the children to compose and publish a narrative story with a familiar setting to show some of the problems that an unusual animal might make for a family to solve.

The class can practise writing expanded noun phrases to describe some of the different animals that might be kept as pets by families in their narrative writing.

Download this teaching pack including a lesson plan, classroom activities and an interactive presentation to compose and publish a narrative story with a familiar setting to show some of the problems that an unusual animal might make for a family to solve

Activities in this teaching pack include a table display card to select some of the narrative events that might happen in a story about a family pet and a template for support ability levels to storyboard the sequence of events that might occur in a story about a wild animal kept as a family pet.

The interactive presentation gets the children to explore how to compose a narrative story to show some of the problems that an unusual animal might make for a family to solve.

This lesson is part of an English scheme of work to get the children to plan and write a narrative story about keeping an unusual animal as a pet, learn spellings of words with the /i:/ sound spelt ey and write descriptive sentences using expanded noun phrases. There are teaching activities for shared learning, differentiated worksheets to support independent learning and interactive presentations to introduce concepts and key skills.

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