English Year Two Planning Term One

Discover some schemes of work, lesson plans, classroom worksheets and interactive activities to develop skills in English for Year Two in Key Stage One covering a range of fiction, non-fiction and poetry topics and themes

(A) New Pets

Explore descriptive language used in stories about family life, practise spelling words with le endings and write sentences using the correct punctuation

(B) Pet Shop

Investigate sentence structures and vocabulary words used in stories with familiar settings, practise spelling words with common endings and use adjectives to write expanded noun phrases

(C) Unusual Pets

Plan and write a narrative story about keeping an unusual animal as a pet, learn spellings of words with the /i:/ sound spelt ey and write descriptive sentences using expanded noun phrases

(E) Wild Pets

Investigate some of the special words used to describe different types of wild animals in poems with patterned language

(G) Bus Trips

Read and compare explanations with fictional stories about how and why families can make different journeys by bus

  • Family Adventures

    Family Adventures

    Explain and model how to compose recounts using time adverbials to sequence the events in family visits to familiar and unfamiliar locations

  • Sea Voyage

    Sea Voyage

    Plan and write a diary entry to describe a voyage as a member of the crew on a tall ship that is sailing across an ocean in the world

  • Mountain Expedition

    Mountain Expedition

    Plan and write a personal recount to describe a visit to a mountain landscape as part of a family holiday using time adverbials to sequence events

  • Zoo Encounters

    Zoo Encounters

    Plan and write a personal recount of a family visit to a zoo describing encounters with some of the different animals that could be seen in this location