English Teaching Resources

Discover schemes of work, lesson plans, classroom worksheets and interactive activities to develop skills in English for Key Stage One covering reading, writing transcription, writing composition, spoken language and vocabulary, grammar and punctuation

  • Work Diaries

    Work Diaries

    Select and compose fictional and factual recounts describing some of the things that can happen when completing jobs at home in some other locations

  • Family Households

    Family Households

    Investigate and respond to settings, characters and plot events in stories about family life and parents

  • Family Homes

    Family Homes

    Practise writing a range of sentences to describe how families might use different rooms in their homes related to some of the things that happened in a story with a familiar setting

  • Weather Explanations

    Weather Explanations

    Investigate the structure and content of explanations that describe how and why different types of weather can occur in the world

  • Family Holidays

    Family Holidays

    Practise writing personal recounts describing events and experiences that could happen on a family holiday to different locations around the world

  • Family Adventures

    Family Adventures

    Explain and model how to compose recounts using time adverbials to sequence the events in family visits to familiar and unfamiliar locations

  • Unusual Pets

    Unusual Pets

    Plan and write a narrative story with a familiar setting about a family keeping an unusual animal as a pet

  • Pirate Ships

    Pirate Ships

    Investigate and model how to compose different sets of instructions for pirates to follow when working on board a pirate ship

  • Family Scenes

    Family Scenes

    Practise using descriptive vocabulary to describe settings in stories, identify and spell words with the same endings and select vocabulary to complete sentences

  • Animal Poems

    Animal Poems

    Identify and collect different vocabulary words to use when composing poems about the appearance, movements and sounds made by a range of animals

  • Pet Shop

    Pet Shop

    Investigate sentence structures and vocabulary words used in stories with familiar settings, practise spelling words with common endings and use adjectives to write expanded noun phrases

  • School Instructions

    School Instructions

    Select and compose sets of instructions for other pupils to review and develop their learning skills in different subjects and topics at school

  • Journeys Poems

    Journeys Poems

    Practise selecting powerful vocabulary words to use in poems that can describe some of the journeys made by families using different types of transport

  • Special Places Poems

    Special Places Poems

    Practise composing and presenting poems using descriptive vocabulary to illustrate some of the special places that can be found in the world

  • Harbour Life

    Harbour Life

    Identify and describe industrial, commercial and recreational events and experiences that can happen in a harbour to compare with other locations around the world

  • Number Comparisons

    Number Comparisons

    Use concrete equipment and diagrams to model how to compare numbers within twenty by the value of their digits when recording equations using numbers and symbols