English Writing Composition Teaching Resources

Discover schemes of work, lesson plans, classroom worksheets and interactive activities to develop skills in writing composition for Key Stage One covering a range of fiction, non-fiction and poetry texts on different themes and topics

  • Family Adventures

    Family Adventures

    Explain and model how to compose recounts using time adverbials to sequence the events in family visits to familiar and unfamiliar locations

  • Pirate Ships

    Pirate Ships

    Investigate and model how to compose different sets of instructions for pirates to follow when working on board a pirate ship

  • Animal Poems

    Animal Poems

    Identify and collect different vocabulary words to use when composing poems about the appearance, movements and sounds made by a range of animals

  • School Instructions

    School Instructions

    Select and compose sets of instructions for other pupils to review and develop their learning skills in different subjects and topics at school

  • Traditional Fables

    Traditional Fables

    Explore and model the events and characters that feature in traditional tales written as fables to teach the reader a moral lesson

  • Christmas Lists

    Christmas Lists

    Identify and model how to compile lists of items that might be needed for different Christmas events or experiences

  • Santa’s Holiday

    Santa’s Holiday

    Plan and write a narrative story to describe some of the different places that Santa could visit on a holiday

  • Family Visits

    Family Visits

    Plan and write personal recounts describing what might happen during family visits to special places

  • Journeys Poems

    Journeys Poems

    Practise selecting powerful vocabulary words to use in poems that can describe some of the journeys made by families using different types of transport

  • Special Places Poems

    Special Places Poems

    Practise composing and presenting poems using descriptive vocabulary to illustrate some of the special places that can be found in the world

  • Harbour Life

    Harbour Life

    Identify and describe industrial, commercial and recreational events and experiences that can happen in a harbour to compare with other locations around the world

  • Number Comparisons

    Number Comparisons

    Use concrete equipment and diagrams to model how to compare numbers within twenty by the value of their digits when recording equations using numbers and symbols