School Instructions

This English scheme of work for Key Stage One gets the children to select and compose sets of instructions for other pupils to review and develop their learning skills in different subjects and topics at school. The class can identify vocabulary to use when composing instructions for different purposes.

Class Learning
Review and select targets to improve learning and attitudes to work across the curriculum in a range of different subjects and topics

Class Friendships
Review and select targets to improve friendships and relationships with other pupils in the class when working in curriculum subjects and completing different topics

Maths Learning
Review and select targets to improve skills and knowledge when working in maths lessons at school to solve problems for number, geometry, measurement and statistics

Class Robot
Select and present commands to instruct other pupils in the class to get them to perform and complete different jobs in the classroom when acting as a robot character
Farm Toys
Design and make different toys that include a movement mechanism to illustrate things found and used on a farm
Farm Puppet
Explore how to design and make a puppet of a farmer using a movement mechanism to illustrate the matching actions of the character
Spinning Toy
Investigate how to build a model of a toy that includes rotational movements to show some of the different actions that might happen on a farm
Farm Animals
Design and build a model of a toy that uses card linkages to create a range of different movements to represent actions of an animal that lives on a farm