This numeracy teaching pack for the Foundation Stage gets the children to identify and model how to count and record the numbers of presents that might be stacked under a Christmas tree to twenty using words and digits.

The class can use their completed presents numbers to wrap a selection of small boxes matching some of the numbers to place under the class tree to celebrate Christmas.

Download this teaching pack including classroom activities and an interactive presentation to identify and model how to count and record the numbers of presents that might be stacked under a Christmas tree to twenty using words and digits

Activities in this teaching pack include worksheets to model how to count and record different numbers of presents to twenty using numbers written in digits and a template to select and create a matching number of presents to stack under the class Christmas tree.

The interactive presentation gets the children to explore how to count and record numbers of presents under a Christmas tree to twenty using words and digits.

This lesson is part of a numeracy scheme of work to get the children to practise counting and recording different numbers of Christmas objects to twenty using their matching numerical digits and vocabulary words. There are teaching activities for shared learning, differentiated worksheets to support independent learning and interactive presentations to introduce concepts and key skills.

  • Division Sharing

    Division Sharing

    Identify and model how to share different numbers of objects to ten into matching groups of two using concrete equipment and pictorial diagrams

  • Vegetables


    Practise sharing different numbers of vegetables that can be bought from a greengrocers with counted sums to ten into matching equal groups of two

  • Farm Animals

    Farm Animals

    Practise sharing different numbers of animals that live on a farm with counted sums to ten into matching equal groups of two

  • Zoo Animals

    Zoo Animals

    Practise sharing different numbers of animals that live in a zoo with counted sums to ten into matching equal groups of two