This numeracy scheme of work for the Foundation Stage gets the children to practise adding pairs of one digit numbers using counting on working with concrete equipment and diagrams to support calculations. The class can play games and build models to show their understanding of addition sums to ten.

Practise adding pairs of one digit numbers by using counting on from the biggest number working with concrete equipment and diagrams to support calculations

Lesson One : Counting and Adding

Identify and model how to add different pairs of single digit numbers by counting on from the biggest number to find each matching sum

Lesson Two : Number Jumps

Investigate and record how to add different pairs of single digit numbers when counting on from the biggest number to make each addition sum

Lesson Three : Two More

Explain and model how to add two more to different numbers to ten by using counting on to calculate the matching addition sums

Lesson Four : Money Pennies

Practise using counting on to add different money amounts using pairs of single digit numbers to calculate the cost of buying different items from a shop

Lesson Five : Number Sentences

Identify and record sets of matching number sentences to show how to add pairs of single digit numbers to make different sums to ten

  • Owl and the Pussycat

    Owl and the Pussycat

    Explore and role-play the sequence of events and language used in a traditional poem and investigate and spell cvc words with the same initial sounds

  • Story Sentences

    Story Sentences

    Practise writing example sentences to describe some of the different events and settings that feature in the traditional story poem of the Owl and the Pussycat

  • Story Map

    Story Map

    Design and produce a map to record a journey that is being described in a traditional story to show the sequence of events and locations that feature in the narrative

  • Story Journeys

    Story Journeys

    Suggest, describe and record some of the alternative events that might occur in a story based on the narrative sequence of a traditional tale