This curriculum topic scheme of work for the Foundation Stage gets the children to explore some of the different shops and services that can be used in the school’s neighbourhood. The class can name and list items that can be bought in different shops close to the school.

Local Shops

Explore the locations and functions of different shops that can be found in the local area and identify and compare products that are sold in each shop


Identify, describe and compare the range of products that can be sold in a supermarket and role-play buying and paying for shopping lists

School Shop

Identify and describe the layout of different types of shops and role-play running a classroom shop to sell a range of products made by the class

  • Where I Live

    Where I Live

    Explore some of the different buildings, people and locations that can be found in the school neighbourhood and the local community

  • Family Homes

    Family Homes

    Investigate, describe and compare some of the different types of homes found in the local area around the school environment

  • Home Survey

    Home Survey

    Identify, name and compare some of the different objects that can be found in a family home for a range of special functions and purposes

  • Family Kitchens

    Family Kitchens

    Identify and describe some of the different objects that can be found and used in a kitchen in a family home for a range of functions