Division Teaching Resources

Discover lesson plans, classroom worksheets and interactive activities to develop skills in numeracy for the Foundation Stage to teach about dividing objects and numbers into equal groups

  • Division Sharing

    Division Sharing

    Identify and model how to share different numbers of objects to ten into matching groups of two using concrete equipment and pictorial diagrams

  • T-shirts


    Select and combine a range of different shapes, colours and patterns that can be used to design and print a t-shirt for a specific function or event

  • Fashion Parade

    Fashion Parade

    Select and design clothing patterns to use on t-shirts matching a range of different family functions, events and occasions

  • T-shirt Shapes

    T-shirt Shapes

    Investigate and record some of the different shapes that can be used to make pattern designs on clothing to match a special function, occasion or event

  • T-shirt Printing

    T-shirt Printing

    Explore and test different ways of printing shapes and patterns on fabric to represent occasions and events to use on example t-shirts