Division Sharing

This numeracy scheme of work for the Foundation Stage gets the children to identify and model how to share different numbers of objects to ten into matching groups of two using concrete equipment and pictorial diagrams. The class can explain and illustrate how to share each number of objects into equal groups.

Classroom Trays

Practise sharing different numbers of classroom equipment and tools with counted sums to ten into matching equal groups of two

Zoo Animals

Practise sharing different numbers of animals that live in a zoo with counted sums to ten into matching equal groups of two

Farm Animals

Practise sharing different numbers of animals that live on a farm with counted sums to ten into matching equal groups of two


Practise sharing different numbers of vegetables that can be bought from a greengrocers with counted sums to ten into matching equal groups of two

  • City Counting

    City Counting

    Practise counting and recording matching sets of objects to ten, twenty and thirty to illustrate and record some of the special things that can be seen around a city

  • House Windows

    House Windows

    Count, match and record different numbers of windows that could be seen on houses that have been built in a city location to match numbers to ten, twenty and thirty

  • Flat Block

    Flat Block

    Match and record different numbers of objects that could be seen in flats that have been built in a city location to match numbers to ten, twenty and thirty

  • Road Traffic

    Road Traffic

    Count, match and record different numbers of vehicles that could be seen travelling on a road in a city location to match numbers to ten, twenty and thirty