Number Bonds to Twenty

Investigate and model how to use mental calculation techniques when working with concrete objects and diagrams to identify pairs of numbers that make sums to twenty
Investigate and model how to use mental calculation techniques when working with concrete objects and diagrams to identify pairs of numbers that make sums to twenty
Identify and record some matching addition calculations that can make different sums to twenty when playing number bond games
Identify, match and record different pairs of numbers that make a range of sums with totals within twenty when stacking sets of bricks
Practise using concrete objects to identify and record addition and subtraction calculations that can make different sums of autumn leaves to twenty
Practise selecting powerful vocabulary words to use in poems that can describe some of the journeys made by families using different types of transport
Identify and select special vocabulary words that can be used in a poem to describe some of the places that could be visited on a bike ride
Select descriptive vocabulary words that can be used to edit and change a poem about some of the different journeys that can taken by families using buses and trains
Practise composing and presenting poems using descriptive vocabulary to illustrate some of the special places that can be found in the world
Select a range of descriptive vocabulary words to use when composing tongue twister poems about what can be seen and experienced during a visit to the seaside
Select and use descriptive language to edit and change a poem describing some of the things that can be seen and experienced in a forest location